lunes, 19 de diciembre de 2016


                                          SESSION 19: IMAGES


a) Find out the most common formats for images and write a short description of the features of each of them.

            jpg                                                                      jpg

b) Which image format preserves the quality better when it is compressed?

Jpg and Gif.

c)Which formats are more suitable for web design?
Jpg and Gif.

lunes, 17 de octubre de 2016


                   SESSIONS 14:INTERNET SAFETY

1.What is a hacker?
  The hackers are a nasty sort. They try to steal the information of that packets carry like credit cards numbers and passwords.

2.What is a virus?
Virusses also attack computers and serves. They cause problems like sending emails that you haven't written and and destroying information stored inside computers.

3.What is a router?
Routers move information along of the Internet by finding the shortets and fastet path to the destination computer.

4.What can happen when packets of information are send by internet?
The network would go very slow and takes a long time.

                     LEARN MORE: HAITI

Help provide clean drinking water in Haiti.

1.Facts about learn drinking water.
When fresh water is available, it is scarce.For example, one flush of your toilet uses as much water as the average person in a country like Haiti uses for a whole day's washing, cleaning, cooking and drinking.

2.Water problems in Haiti.
While over three-quarts of Haiti is surrounded by water. Haitians have little acess to fresh drinking water.5 million of 8.5 million people in Haiti, do not have access to clean water.


Sessions 12 by Sofia on Scribd

lunes, 10 de octubre de 2016


                 SESSION 7 :INTERNET TERMS

1.Choose true or false.

1.IT is an "abbreviation" for Information Technology. "True"
2.The Internet and the World Wide Web(WWW) are the same thing. "False"
3.A "broswer" is a person who enjoys looking at the WWW. "True" 
4.You can see pictures and words "on-line" but you cannot listen to sounds." False"
5.You need the newest,fastest computers to use the Web. "False"
6.Most Internet users are men. "False"
7.@ is called "at" in English. "True"

2.Match the words to their definitions.

-A broswer: software that lets you acess the WWW.
-To downoald: to get progams from the Internet.
-To chat: to have a conversation through the Internet by writing or speaking.
-Email: wireless device that allows computers to connect to the Internet using a ruter.
-A modem: letters you send by Internet.
-Wifi: thing that connects a computer to the Internet.
-Online: when you are connected to the Internet.
-Software: computers progams.
-Scroll down/up: move the page up or down using the side tabs with your mouse.

3.Choose the best word to complete these  sentences.

1.I use a fast modem to connect my computer to the Internet.
2.RealPlayer is computer document that you use to listen to music on the World Wibe Web.

3.I always install my documents on floppy disks.
4.Chat is a good way of meeting other people on the Internet.
5.A beep is a sound your computer makes when there is an error.

4.Answer these questions.

1.What is the different between a Search Engine and Broswer? Give examples of comercials names of both.

2.Wich search engine do you use more?

3.Wich browser do you use more?
The google


                                               This is my avatar

lunes, 19 de septiembre de 2016


                             SESSION 6 :COMPUTERS VOCABULARY

  1. What brand is your computer?
     2.What is the operating system of you computer?

     3.Which web browser(s) does you computers use?

     4.How many buttons are ther a on your mouse?

    5.Does your computer have a CD-ROM drive? And USB drives?

    6.Find these keys on your keyboard.Check each key as you find it and write the symbol next to its name.

  • Retroceda(entra)            -Hyphen or dash  "-"
  • Espacio                       -Period or dot  "."
  • Cambio                       -Comma  ","
  • Taulador                     -Colon ":"
  • Borrar                         -Right parenthesis  ")"
  • Controlar                    -Slash "/"
  • Salir                            -At symbol  "@"

7.Match this word-procesing terms with their definitions.Then compare your answers with a partner.

1.a list of computers operations."menu"
2.a box on the screen that shows information."window"
3.a small picture or symbol."icon"
4.text or order data stored togheter whit a special name."word processor" for creating text files."file" and relace the button on the mouse."click"
7.a little arrow on the screen that moves when you move the mouse."highlight" text/images with the mouse."cursor"

8.Match these word processing commands with their definitions below.

1.Duplicate highlight text/images to put somewhere else:"copy"
2.Preserve the contents of a document:"save"
3.Cut text/images from one place and put them somewhere else:"cut and paste"
4.Open an existing document:"save as"
5.Create a new document:"open"
6.Send the contents of a document to the printer:"print"
7.Close the document whithout quitting the word processor:"close"
8.Save the contents of a document under a new file name:"new"